About Us
Origin Story
Public was founded in 2025 by a group of 3 friends from Houston, Texas who were tired of traditional social media.
They wanted to make a platform that was the opposite of everything Big Tech is doing. A simple platform that lacked the twisted properties of current social media. One in which people could connect with friends and family, and didn't feel obligated to get as many follower and likes as possible. One where they could relax and be themselves.
Why Public?
At Public, we are commited to:
- Never using dopamine-hacking algorithms to farm engagement
- Never collecting data on our users
- Never using targeted ads
- Never censoring free speech
Some features of the platform:
- Right from sign up, no personal data is requested. Not even a date of birth or email.
- To avoid profiles being 'hacked,' passwords are encrypted and cannot be reset.
- Nobody, including staff at Public, can see your password.
- Connections are private and mutual
- Old posts automatically expire, unless they are pinned
- All deleted data is permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
- All posts are only visible to your connections
- Posts are shown to you in the order they were posted. No attention-seeking algos.
At Public, we are trying to take back our lives from Big Tech. Join us in our fight for our freedom.
Defy The Overlords